Friday, November 4, 2011

Personal Failure

Well, personally this week has been a tumultuous emotional roller coaster.
As many of you may or may not know, my Semester 1 results weren't the best and they certainly weren't what I'd expected.
I felt so strongly on the subject that I wrote a poem:

"I've tumbled down the proverbial rabbit hole

Rife with confusion, unable to see any more
The darkness and panic eats into my soul
I feel it seep into every pore.
I taste the unpredicted bitter of personal failure
My mind cringes with fear
My expression turns to one that is demure
As my cheek feels the roll of a tear.
The tepid waters of shock subside from me
Only to return as fierce waves of misery
Submerging me into the depths where I rather not be
Cold, confused, full of regret and angry.
Realisation swiftly rides its steed in
Pulls me out of the deep recesses of my mind
I cough, gasp and take the cold air in
My consciousness making sense of what it could find.
The clouds slowly part, the sun is seen again
I feel its impeccable warmth upon my skin
It readily evaporates my pain
And instills happiness and strength within."

But I'm back from the deep, and I've learnt some lessons and taken some measures.
Hopefully the Semester 2 results will see the line taking a turn for the positive quadrant.

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